Title: SenSonic – The World Debut of the “Neckband Style” Self-Programmable, Wireless Hearing Aid
Speaker: Asela Udhaya Bandara Jayampathy, Co-Founder and CEO BioSound
Date: 02/13/2018
Brief Description:
SenSonic is the world’s only hearing aid capable of user-configurable audiometric measurement and shift-on-the-fly reprogramming when the wearer moves from one environment to another. This is a revolutionary step towards empowering wearers with self-programmable hearing aids that do not require the intervention of an audiologist.
1) SenSonic Neckband Hearing Aid has the widest distance between Microphones and Receivers eliminating the need to have an
acoustic feedback cancellation algorithm which compromises speech amplification.
2) Wireless Ear Sets with Interchangeable Receivers tuned to hear speech or hi-resolution music.