B2DG holds weekly ZOOM meetings which will include BIONews and an invited speaker or presentation from various videos that occurred during the previous week.   “Electronic Doors” open at 8:15 AM for networking. Meetings begin at 8:30 AM PT except on the second Tuesday of the month, when we hold an evening event that starts at 6:15 PM with a brief networking session, followed by BIONews at 6:30 PM and the speaker/video at approximately 7:05 PM. 


Join us at: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89077658197  

Please check our website each week for updates on the program and invited speaker details.

Stay safe and healthy!!


Welcome to the Bio2Device Group

The Bio2Device Group (B2DG) is a premier organization for all San Francisco Bay Area professionals in pharmaceutical, biotech, medical device, diagnostics, and other life science industry sectors. Weekly programs are designed to keep members up-to-date with industry news, help them explore other industry sectors, and provide networking opportunities with other life science professionals from all industry sectors and corporate functions. The B2DG also hosts a moderated LinkedIn Group to facilitate communication between members. Read more…


Updated BIONews plus live Presentation - What do multi-omics, bonding parts, and cell sorting have in common? Ultrasound!


Thomas Matula, PhD


President & CEO


Matchstick Technologies, Inc., and also Director of the Center for Industrial and Medical Ultrasound (CIMU), at the Univ. of Washington


03/11/25 6:15 pm - 8:15 pm