Become a member, today!

Welcome to the Bio2Device Group. If you would like to become a member of our organization, please attend one of our upcoming events. If you have already attended one of our meetings, use your registration code and instructions on joining our organization. If you are already a member, please sign on using your new login credentials.

Membership is free and open to anyone in the life sciences industry in the bay area.

Members enjoy special invitations to attend B2DG events and have access to many features and resources, some of which include:

As a member, you will be able to post and maintain your professional experiences in your LinkdIn account, and through B2DG’s LinkedIn group participation it be available for search by potential recruiters and HR personnel.  Our Group (  is a closed group and you must become a member on our regular website (here) before you can join our linked in group.

An active network of bay area life science professionals spanning all functions and sectors of the industry. Your participation in B2DG events will offer your opportunities to network with your peers and reach out to a wide network of professionals.

Weekly educational and face-to-face networking events with featured speakers who are experts in their field.

Ability to explore job postings in our LinkIn Group.

Each member is asked to create a member profile that will include a brief summary of work experiences, keywords. Please note that the summary and keywords are made available for fellow B2DG members, recruiters and employers to search. Outside recruiters will not have access to summary and keywords. They must contact individual members via inmail in this website.  This is why you should update your contact information as needed. Protect your personal information by NOT including your residential address, phone, salary, or credit information in your summary. We encourage members to keep their email addresses up-to-date.

We look forward to you actively participating in our thriving network of Bio2Device Group members!