Updated BIONews plus UCSF Video/Discussion re AFib


Speaker Gregory M. Marcus, MD, MAS, is a , and the inaugural endowed professor of Atrial Fibrillation Research. In addition to his active inpatient and outpatient clinical practice dedicated to the diagnosis and treatment of arrhythmias, performing catheter ablation procedures and implantations of pacemakers and defibrillators, and training cardiology and electrophysiology fellows, Greg has an active research program dedicated to understanding the fundamental causes of abnormal heart rhythms.

Event Information

Event Topic:
Updated BIONews plus UCSF Video/Discussion re AFib

Event Description:
Could that cup of coffee or glass of wine change your cardiac risk? At this Medical Grand Rounds, we will present the latest evidence regarding the impact of common habits like alcohol and caffeine consumption on cardiac arrhythmias. In addition to exploring the clinical and lifestyle implications of our findings, we will describe some of the pioneering research methods we’re employing at UCSF to better understand the impact of lifestyle on heart health.

Date(s) - 03/19/24
8:15 am - 10:15 am

Event Location:
Zoom talk: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88549236999:

Speaker Information

Event Speaker:
Gregory M. Marcus, MD, MAS

Event Speaker Title:
Professor, Associate Chief of Cardiology for Research

Event Speaker Company:

Event Speaker Bio:
Updated BIONews plus UCSF Video/Discussion re AFib

Event Details


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