Succeeding and Thriving in Changing Workplace.

Event Information

Event Topic:
Succeeding and Thriving in Changing Workplace.

Event Description:
In this interactive session, we will ask some crucial questions about the changing professional environment and discuss some key trends. The explosion of technology at the intersection of medicine, science, gaming, health is likely to impact our daily lives and change the future of work increasingly and in multiple ways. We will explore and discuss key learnings for professionals to succeed in this environment of change and the success factors for today's leaders and organizations. This will be an interactive session. So please come prepared to share your thoughts and ideas succinctly so we get an opportunity to hear multiple viewpoints from many people during the session. If time permits, we may discuss some actual scenarios of workplace challenges. If you can summarize in 3 sentences then you are welcome to bring them and we will have a group discussion on how to navigate real life work place challenges. Some of the key issues that will be discussed are: The impact of technology on work and daily lives The future of skills and how to stay ahead of the curve The role of collaboration and communication The role of creativity and innovation How to build a personal mindset of continuous learning and adaptation Join in this interactive session and come prepared to participate.

Date(s) - 10/24/23
8:15 am - 10:15 am

Event Location:
Zoom talk:

Speaker Information

Event Speaker:
Darshana Nadkarni, PhD

Event Speaker Title:

Event Speaker Company:

Event Speaker Bio:
Succeeding and Thriving in Changing Workplace.
Darshana has worked for 30+ years in the field of Human Resources. Darshana began working in this field from 1995 and she provided diversity and inclusion trainings to fortune 500 organizations. Since 2002, Darshana has added recruitment services and has grown as the primary focus in providing recruitment assistance to startups and smaller companies in the healthtech area. Darshana is also an active bogger and writes on a diverse range of topics from technologies to live theater and film reviews and more at .Her twitter handle is @DarshanaN .

Event Details


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