Step between heartbeats to enhance exercise performance, health & experience.

Event Information

Event Topic:
Step between heartbeats to enhance exercise performance, health & experience.

Event Description:
Counterpace® is an app-based system designed to optimize heart, muscle, and brain blood flow, thereby enhancing heart and brain health and athletic performance. We will review the technology and published hemodynamic and metabolic studies of Counterpace-guided walking (heart failure patients) and running (elite athletes) that suggest that stepping between heartbeats acutely lowers blood pressure and cardiac stress, while maximizing heart, brain, and muscle oxygen delivery.

Date(s) - 10/10/23
6:15 pm - 8:30 pm

Event Location:
Zoom talk:

Speaker Information

Event Speaker:
Jeffery Bleich, MD

Event Speaker Title:
Anesthesiologist , CEO

Event Speaker Company:
Stanford Univ., Pulson

Event Speaker Bio:
Step between heartbeats to enhance exercise performance, health & experience.
Dr. Bleich is an anesthesiologist at the Stanford University Medical Center. In addition to his full-time clinical practice, as the CEO of Pulson, Inc., he led the development of Counterpace®. He has also worked at Baxano (founder, CEO - NASDAQ: BAXS), Prospect Venture Partners (healthcare VC), and IDEO (product design). Dr. Bleich received a master’s in business as a Sloan Fellow at Stanford’s GSB, an M.D. from the U. of TX, Southwestern Medical School, and a B.S. in biology from Stanford. He completed an anesthesiology residency at UCLA and a pain management fellowship at the U. of WA.

Event Details


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