So You Want to Start a Consulting Business?


San Francisco Bay Area Chapter:

So, You Want to Start a Consulting Business?

Friday, 02 August 2019 (6:00 PM) – Friday, 02 August 2019 (8:30 PM)
500 El Camino Real, Lucas Hall Room #106
Santa Clara, California, USA, 95053-0001

*Student: $25
RAPS Members: $35
Nonmembers: $45

*Fax/email in a completed registration form to get the student rate.

Have you ever considered starting a consultant business? Have you contemplated working for a consulting company? If so, the San Francisco Bay Area chapter invites you to participate in a discussion about pursuing consulting as a career.

Join others from your local regulatory community to hear a first-hand account of the steps required to transition to consultant work. Our speaker, Alex Chang, RAC, has over 18 years in the profession working for various companies including Allergan, Singulex, Novartis, Celera, IMPAX, Medimmune and Applied Biosystems. He now serves as Principal Consultant and Founder of BioDesign Regulatory Services, LLC, and will lead an interactive discussion on the steps he took to start his own business, the challenges he faced and his thoughtful approach that led him to success. Whether you are interested in becoming a consultant now or later in your career, don’t miss this rare opportunity to learn first-hand from a success story.

This program, hosted by our event partner Santa Clara University MBA Program, is brought to you by the RAPS San Francisco Bay Area chapter and is intended to provide professional development and networking opportunities for those in the local regulatory community.  A light meal will be available for all attendees and RAC holders may claim 2.5 RAC recertification credits.

Featured speaker:
Alex Chang, RAC, principal consultant and founder, BioDesign Regulatory Services, LLC

Mail/Fax In Registration Form
Event Information

Event Topic:
So You Want to Start a Consulting Business?

Event Description:

Date(s) - 08/02/19
6:00 pm - 8:30 pm

Event Location:
Other: Santa Clara University Leavey School of Buisness

Event Details

Event Type