Smart Bra for Nursing Mothers


Smart Bra for Nursing Mothers

Soody Tronson , Founder & CEO Presque | Founding Managing Counsel STLGip

Presque is a tech, mission-driven seed stage company with potential for large-scale economic success. The company is developing the world’s first smart bra to help moms get their babies off to a healthier start. The Presque bra allows for the dual functions of direct breastfeeding and supplementing without interrupting natural breastfeeding or competing with mother’s milk. Designed with the moms’ and babies’ needs in mind, the Presque smart platform is easy-to-use, feminine, and dignified with no tubes or cords and fits under her clothing for use throughout the day, untethered. The Presque platform of products can be used by biological and adoptive parents, and infants with special needs.
Event Information

Event Topic:
Smart Bra for Nursing Mothers

Event Description:
The Presque novel design helps mitigate the need for adoption of bottles and premature abandonment of breastfeeding which leads to babies starting their lives with compromised immune system. The design also enables monitoring of breast milk, and delivery of supplemental milk, when and if needed. Presque enables collection of valuable frontline health data in low-­resource settings useful in gathering research data, otherwise limited by burden of data collection. This data may be useful in large-scale newborn health initiatives to increase healthy breastfeeding behavior across the globe. And since our products can be used by all parents, it further helps democratize the parenting experience. The company's mission is to empower women and the choices they make, and support them if and when they choose to breastfeed. The company's practical solutions, also aim to help close the gap for breastfeeding rates in the communities of color where despite the many benefits of breastfeeding, have the lowest rate of breastfeeding initiation and duration.

Date(s) - 04/02/19
8:30 am - 10:15 am

Event Location:
NOVA - 505 West Olive Ave, Sunnyvale- Suite 799:

Speaker Information

Event Speaker:
Soody Tronson, Esq.

Event Speaker Title:
President, CEO, Founder

Event Speaker Company:
Presque, Inc.

Event Speaker Bio:

With over 25 years of operational experience in technology, business, management, and law in start-up and fortune 100 companies, Soody’s strategic insight coupled with her practical approach is a key asset, whether acting as counsel and advisor or leading her own ventures. After holding technical and management positions at Schering Plough and HP where she took several products to market; and practicing law at Hewlett-Packard Inc., and a successfully acquired medical device start up, and two national law firms, HellerEhrman and Townsend and Townsend; she formed the boutique intellectual property law firm, STLGip, which counsels domestic and international clients in IP and technology transactions in a wide range of technologies. In 2016 she formed, Presque, a company developing a line of products for mothers and infants. Soody serves in board, advisory, and leadership capacities with several organizations including Association of Women in Science STEM to Market national accelerator; Licensing Executives Society USA/Canada Women in Licensing Committee, California Lawyers Association, and the Palo Alto Area Bar Association. Soody is a Commissioner with the city of Menlo Park, CA; and an active hands-on volunteer with several civic organizations including Defy Ventures, an entrepreneurship, employment, and character development training program for currently and formerly incarcerated men, women, and youth. Soody has instructed courses in IP, licensing, and entrepreneurship at the University of California, Stanford University, and European institutions.

Event Details


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