Should you eat MORE Protein, or maybe less?


Proteins, carbs, and fats … most people understand what the last two are. Carbs are sugars, and fat is, well, fat. It’s protein that’s so important to our diets, but so often misunderstood — by the general public, that is. Since the 1950s and 1960s, scientists have been measuring how protein affects our performance, how it supports and maintains the body’s structure, and how best to incorporate it into our diets. From big steaks to protein shakes, tofu to seitan, protein is more available now than ever before. With so many options, surely we’re getting enough protein?

In today’s episode, Jonathan Wolfe speaks with a leading nutritional researcher to find out. Christopher Gardner is a professor at Stanford University and a member of ZOE’s scientific advisory board. He’s pioneering the movement to redefine how we understand the quality of our protein intake.

Event Information

Event Topic:
Should you eat MORE Protein, or maybe less?

Event Description:

Date(s) - 04/25/23
8:15 am - 10:15 am

Event Location:
Zoom talk:

Speaker Information

Event Speaker:
ZOE --Christopher Gardner and Jonathan Wolf

Event Speaker Title:
Rehnborg Farquhar Professor Medicine - Med/Stanford Prevention Research Center

Event Speaker Company:
ZOE/Stanford University

Event Speaker Bio:
Should you eat MORE Protein, or maybe less?
For the past 20 years most of my research has been focused on investigating the potential health benefits of various dietary components or food patterns, which have been explored in the context of randomized controlled trials in free-living adult populations. Some of the interventions have involved vegetarian diets, soy foods and soy food components, garlic, omega-3 fats/fish oil/flax oil, antioxidants, Ginkgo biloba, and popular weight loss diets. These trials have ranged in duration from 8 weeks to a year, with study outcomes that have included weight, blood lipids and lipoproteins, inflammatory markers, glucose, insulin, blood pressure and body composition..

Event Details


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