Patients and Treatment Plans for Long Term Disease Management


Nora Donovan

Lindsay Axelrod


Nora and Lindsay will be discussing how the different aspects of IBD treatment help patients beyond their physical wellbeing, and help how they manage and thrive outside of their diagnosis.  In the talk, we will also go over new research that may offer patients more options for treatment and disease management.


Event Information

Event Topic:
Patients and Treatment Plans for Long Term Disease Management

Event Description:
Nora and Lindsay will be discussing how the different aspects of IBD treatment help patients beyond their physical wellbeing, and help how they manage and thrive outside of their diagnosis.  In the talk, we will also go over new research that may offer patients more options for treatment and disease management.

Date(s) - 03/26/19
8:30 am - 10:00 am

Event Location:
NOVA - 505 West Olive Ave, Sunnyvale- Suite 799:

Speaker Information

Event Speaker:
Lindsay Axelrod/Nora Donovan

Event Speaker Title:

Event Speaker Company:

Event Speaker Bio:

NORA DONOVAN is a 21 year old Crohn's patient, who is a novice at how diet and disease intertwine into patient care within the context of the US healthcare system. Nora is currently a Senior at Western Washington University, where she is finishing up her Bachelors in Business Administration: International Business and a minor in International Political Economy. She has no specific industry focus with her degree and has a wide range of interests that include her experiences and research into IBD.
LINDSAY AXELROD is currently in the Masters of Translational Medicine Program at UC Berkeley-UCSF – a degree blending the engineering, clinical and entrepreneurial aspects of translational medical innovation into clinical reality. Combining her clinical insight as a Crohn’s Disease patient with her biochemistry background and years of experience in the startup medical device industry, her interest is in identifying solutions for improving patient care through novel technologies used to diagnose, monitor and treat disease conditions in an accelerated, cost effective manner.

Event Details


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