Move Like your Life Depends on It: Because It Does

 Wed, May 17, 2023
Time: 7:00pm – 8:15pm Pacific time
Format: virtual by Zoom  
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Move Like your Life Depends on It:

Because It Does

by Jack Keene, MD, FACEP, Stanford Distinguished Careers Institute
and Anne L. Friedlander, PhD, Stanford in the Program in Human Biology

Lifespan is how long we live. Healthspan is how long we live well.

The aging process takes a significant toll on our bodies, limiting our functional capacity and diminishing the quality of our lives. We lose up to 3% of our muscle mass per year, 1% of our bone density per year, and our cellular physiology changes leading to metabolic syndrome, diabetes, hypertension, heart attacks, and strokes, plus our brains shrink by about 1% per year with attendant memory issues and dementia.

Lack of exercise costs the healthcare system $117 billion per year. This does not include the untold suffering from falls, loss of independence, and the burdens placed on our families.

We cannot stop the aging process, but we can slow it down.

Exercise creates biochemical changes that can mitigate all these changes. We can add new muscle, strengthen our bones, reduce our blood pressure, improve body composition and a host of other physiologic changes. We can improve our healthspan to more nearly match our lifespans.

We are developing an easy-to-use app, “GetMoovin,” to make exercise fun and create community through a free photo sharing platform. In addition, it provides a sophisticated subscription side to help people plan their healthspans by guiding them through a process of identifying what is important to them and providing a program to make sure they can do the things that are important to them as they age.


Jack Keene, MD, FACEP is an emergency physician, palliative care doctor, mentor, and innovator. Jack has over 30 years of entrepreneurial experience and physician leadership. He co-founded Emergency Treatment Associates which revolutionized emergency department care in the Hudson Valley of New York. A national expert on emergency department management, he and his team introduced modern triage, sophisticated quality management, risk management, bedside registration and the first emergency department electronic medical record north of New York City. His customer satisfaction programs led to rave reviews.

Jack has years of strategic planning experience with a deep understanding of healthcare regulations, medical devices, fitness, wellness, rural healthcare, and home healthcare needs. His knowledge of medicine as a science and healthcare as a business provides a valuable perspective to established businesses and start-up companies alike. Most recently, Jack and his wife, Dr. Mary L. Dunne, were part of the 2019 cohort of the Stanford Distinguished Careers Institute (DCI) and have returned for a continuing fellowship year. Jack has mentored several healthcare and longevity start-ups through Techstars and Stanford.


Anne L. Friedlander, PhD, is an Adjunct Professor at Stanford University in the Program in Human Biology.  In addition to her teaching and curriculum development responsibilities within Human Biology, she is a member of the Wu Tsai Human Performance Alliance and the Stanford Lifestyle Medicine Program. She has served as the Director of the Exercise Physiology Lab, the Director of the Mobility Division within the Stanford Center on Longevity (SCL), and the Associate Director for Education for the Geriatric Research, Education and Clinical Center (GRECC) at the VA Palo Alto. Dr. Friedlander has broad research experience in the areas of enhancing human performance, environmental physiology, and using physical activity and mobility to promote healthy aging. She also consults regularly with companies interested in developing new products, programs and ideas in the fitness and wellness space. She is passionate about the benefits of movement on the aging process and specializes in giving talks translating scientific findings on physiology and exercise into practical applications for people.
Event Information

Event Topic:
Move Like your Life Depends on It: Because It Does

Event Description:
see notice

Date(s) - 05/17/23
7:00 pm - 8:15 pm

Event Location:

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