Schedule — Pacific Time, Tuesday evening, October 11
6:15-6:30 PM Networking
6:30-7:10 PM BIONews and Industry Updates
7:10-8:10 PM John Butler presentation
8:10-8:30 PM Q&A and networking
Event Information
Event Topic:
Better Biopsies: Solving uncertainty with enhanced molecular pathology
Event Description:
Digital pathology is quickly entering the clinical and diagnostics markets. Extending these workflows to include genomic analysis to develop novel molecular pathology tests is at hand. QuantumCyte has developed a technology that can extract nucleic acids (RNA and DNA) from regions of interest, guided by annotations from a digital pathology image. Lab workflow and data from translational studies, as well as clinical trial data from a top ten hospital, will be shown. The system creates new possibilities for NGS-based tests that integrate digital pathology with genomic analysis.
Date(s) - 10/11/22
6:15 pm - 8:30 pm
Event Location:
Zoom talk:
Speaker Information
Event Speaker:
John Butler
Event Speaker Title:
CEO and Co-Founder
Event Speaker Company:
Event Speaker Bio:
John Butler is the CEO and Co-Founder of QuantumCyte. In his 30-year career, he has held positions in basic research, product development, and operations in genomics markets at Protogene Labs, Applied Biosystems, and Pacific Biosciences. John teamed up with Dr. Bidhan Chaudhuri, CTO and Co-Founder, to develop technologies that deliver unique capabilities to the cancer clinical markets. The results of all team efforts will be presented.
Event Details
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