How to Apply Risk Management Throughout the Product Life Cycle of Your Medical Device

How to Apply Risk Management Throughout the Product Life Cycle of Your Medical Device

This webinar will focus on the application of Risk Management throughout the Product Lifecycle.

Some level of risk exists in virtually everything we do. From driving a car, to heating our homes, to ordering a meal in a restaurant, there is some level of risk. We make a decision that the benefits of our actions outweigh the risks associated.

By their very nature and application, there is an element of risk in the use of any Medical Device. Understanding, balancing, and quantifying that risk enables a manufacturer to bring a product to market that provides significant benefit to patients and health care providers, while minimizing the risks associated with the product.

This free 60-minute webinar will focus on the application of Risk Management (Risk Analysis, Risk Evaluation, Risk Control, Overall Residual Risk Evaluation, Production and Post Production Monitoring) as a product moves through the Product Lifecycle (Concept, Development, Launch, Post Market, Obsolescence).


  • Risk Management as an integral part to all phases of the Product Lifecycle.
  • The Risk Management File as a living document.
  • Product Surveillance must be closed loop with Risk Management to address product issues and ensure Patient and Health Care Provider safety.
  • Ongoing Risk Management to balance Patient/Health Care Provider risks versus benefits of the Medical Device.
  • Q&A Session


  • Medical Device Industry Executives
  • Quality Professionals and Management
  • Regulatory Professionals and Management
  • Clinical Affairs Professionals and Management
  • R&D Engineers and Management


Event Information

Event Topic:
How to Apply Risk Management Throughout the Product Life Cycle of Your Medical Device

Event Description:
Sponsor's Website

Date(s) - 08/28/19
10:00 am - 11:15 am

Event Location:

Event Details

Event Type