Gene therapy has become a one-time treatment method for a complete cure by fixing genomic errors which altered protein functions of normal cells. The high titer virus packaging and purity are essential for the success of clinical gene therapy.
In this presentation, we report to establish a facility to manufacture GLP grade viruses and to develop the relevant QC assays at Frontage. Our efforts will facilitate the application of this modern cutting edge technology in clinical arena.
Dr. Wang is a gene therapy group leader of CMC at Frontage Laboratories, Inc. He has extensive experience in gene therapy field, including 16 years in University of Florida and 3 years in vaccine center of NCI, NIH as a post-doctor and an assistant scientist. He made important contributions to the development of rare disease mice models, such as Alph-1 antitrypsin deficiency model for gene therapy purpose. He also contributed to the development of AAV capsid mutants for lung targeting infection and adenovirus mediated HIV vaccine. He has published 18 peer reviewed scientific papers.