Drug Quality & Safety Issues in the US and Strategies to Address Them


Join B2DG on May 9 at 6:30pm PDT for our monthly evening event.  We will discuss the weekly BIONews and that will be followed by the presentation given by David Light at a Stanford Grand Rounds:

Drug Quality & Safety Issues in the US and Strategies to Address Them


Event Information

Event Topic:
Drug Quality & Safety Issues in the US and Strategies to Address Them

Event Description:

Date(s) - 05/09/23
6:15 pm - 8:30 pm

Event Location:
Zoom talk: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88573518331:

Speaker Information

Event Speaker:
David Light

Event Speaker Title:

Event Speaker Company:

Event Speaker Bio:
Drug Quality & Safety Issues in the US and Strategies to Address Them
David is a biotech entrepreneur and scientist with over 15 years of broad experience in the field. A graduate of Yale University, David studied molecular biology and has worked in a variety of scientific and business roles at start-ups like Synthetic Genomics, Ion Torrent and Valisure. At Ion Torrent, David developed key technologies that directly led to the semiconductor DNA sequencing company's $725M acquisition and ran it's flagship technology programs through development and global commercialization. As Founder and CEO of Valisure, an independent laboratory that checks and certifies the chemical composition of medications and healthcare products before they reach consumers, David helped fund and invent the core technology along with lead the company’s entry and impact into the market. David is named inventor on numerous patents, published in journals including Nature and the cover of Electrophoresis, has been invited to submit testimony at congressional hearings as well as speak at the U.S. Capitol Building. David has been quoted in numerous publications including Bloomberg, The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post, and CBS News. He also sits on the boards of non-profits bolstering the local community and is very passionate about entrepreneurship and improving public health.

Event Details


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