DIY-Bio: Reformatting Biology & Health

Event Information

Event Topic:
DIY-Bio: Reformatting Biology & Health

Event Description:
As life expectancy continues to rise, the need for simple, effective health solutions that promote and ensure mobility, and cognitive health has become increasingly important. "Do-it-yourself" (DIY) biology is an emerging movement that empowers individuals to engage in biological research to make informed decisions about their health. The presentation provides overview on current trends in population health, wellness and longevity as it pertains to aging bridging between pharma/biotech approaches and precision medicine and a brief view into the immediate future of technologies supporting individual health.

Date(s) - 10/01/24
8:15 am - 10:30 am

Event Location:
Zoom talk:

Speaker Information

Event Speaker:
Rangaprasad Sarangarajan

Event Speaker Title:
R&D leader and senior executive

Event Speaker Company:

Event Speaker Bio:
DIY-Bio: Reformatting Biology & Health
Dr. Sarangarajan is a successful R&D leader and senior executive in life sciences and diagnostic discovery & development. He has demonstrated success building strong, multi-disciplinary cross-functional teams integrating biology, technology, and artificial intelligence analytics in the development of a multi-omic, biology-based platform for the discovery of disease-specific targets, therapeutic discovery, and diagnostics development for human conditions, health, wellness and precision medicine. He is now focused on applications of population health derived insights from multi-omic datasets in the discovery, design and use of information on food constituents, micro/macronutrients, microbiome and clinical diagnostics in health, aging and longevity.

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