Cat’s Claw Polyphenols Enter the Brain in Minutes to Markedly Reduce Plaques, Tangles and Inflammation

Event Information

Event Topic:
Cat’s Claw Polyphenols Enter the Brain in Minutes to Markedly Reduce Plaques, Tangles and Inflammation

Event Description:
Brain aging and Alzheimer’s disease (AD) demonstrate the accumulaiton of beta-amyloid protein (AB) containing “plaques” and tau protein “tangles” that contribute to accelerated memory loss and cognitive decline. Neuroinflammation is the 3rd factor contributing tto the trilogy of memory loss. We have developed the world’s first dietary supplement for the targeting of plaques and tangles in the normal aging brain. PTI-00703 cat’s claw (Uncaria tomentosa), a specific and natural plant extract from the Amazon rain forest was identified as a potent inhibitor and reducer of both AB fibrils and tau protein tangles. Disaggregation of AB fibrils and tau tangles occurred nearly instantly when mixed together. Structural elucidation studies identified constituents within PTI-00703 cat’s claw responsible for the AB fibril/tau tangle-reducing activity to be specific polyphenols and proanthocyanidins (i.e. epicatechin dimers) including proanthocyanidins B2, B4 and C1. Blood-brain-barrier studies conducted at Tulane University indicated that the major components of PTI-00703 cat’s claw enter the brain parenchyma (cortex and hippocampus) within 2 minutes of being in the blood. Proanthocyanidin B2 administered to older APP-laque producing (TASD-41) transgenic mice within 3 months reduced AB plaque-load by 58.2% with memory improvement (i.e. Morris water maze testing) by 57.8% (nearly back to normal as see in normal transgenic mice with no memory deficits). Neuroinflammation (i.e. astrocytosis and microgliosis) was reduced by 69% and 80.3%, respectively, within 3 months of treatment. Circular dichroism spectrocopy studies revealed that polyphenolic molecules (adjacent hydroxyl groups on two adjacent aromaric rings) as seen in specific proanthcyanidins in cat’s claw markedly reduce brain plaques and tangles beta-sheet secondary folding. This lead to the development of a new dietary supplement, called Percepta, to target brain plaques, tangles and inflammation in the normal aging brain. Percepta is backed by 20+ years of scientific studies, 34 patents (including 10 issued with composition of matter patents issued in the USA for Percepta in 2019 and Percepta Professional in 2022), and 2 major publications in Nature – Scientific Reports in 2019 and 2021. The 109-page 2019 paper won the award for the “Top 100 Most Downlaoded Research Articles in 2019 for a Nature Journal”. The 2021 paper demonstrated that Percepta outperforms the top 20 selling memory-support dietary supplements by >50% in ttargeting brain plaques and tangles including Prevagen (Quincy Sciences), Neuriva (Schiff Vitamines), Alpha Brain (Onnit Labs acquired by Unilever), Focus Factor (Costco stores), and many others.

Date(s) - 11/14/23
6:15 pm - 8:30 pm

Event Location:
Zoom talk:

Speaker Information

Event Speaker:
Dr. Alan Snow

Event Speaker Title:
President & CEO

Event Speaker Company:
Cognitive Clarity Inc.

Event Speaker Bio:
Cat’s Claw Polyphenols Enter the Brain in Minutes to Markedly Reduce Plaques, Tangles and Inflammation
Dr Alan Snow is a world-renowned expert in brain aging, memory loss, Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, and misfolded protein disorders. He has a PhD in Neuropathology from Queen’s University in Canada and then worked 14 years at the University of Washington (Seattle) as a Research Associate Professor of Pathology, and project leader at the University of Washington Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center. He then went on to found two biotechnology companies, the first in 1999 developing new small molecule drugs for the treatment of Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease. He worked there for 17 years. In 2015, he discovered the Amazonian rainforest plant to serve as a natural alternative to target brain plaques, tangles and infammation and became the CEO of Cognitive Clarity Inc. He has been awarded 18 National Institute of Health grant awards, a $3.5M LEAPS award from the Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson’s Disease Research. He is the inventor on 350+ issued patents on the use of drugs, nutraceuticals and screening technologies for brain aging, memory loss, misfolded protein disorders and neurodegenerative diseases.

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