BIONews + Why young people are getting colon cancer | Dr. Andy Chan

Event Information

Event Topic:
BIONews + Why young people are getting colon cancer | Dr. Andy Chan

Event Description:
Rates of colorectal cancer have declined in people over 65 but doubled among people under 50 in the last few decades. By 2030 it’s expected to be the leading cancer-related death in this age group. In this video, gastrointestinal cancer and prevention specialist, Dr. Andy Chan, explains how changes in the gut microbiome could be to blame. Dr. Chan discusses the critical role your diet plays in cancer risk, how your gut microbiome can influence the development of colon cancer and the steps you can take to lower your risk.

Date(s) - 08/06/24
8:15 am - 10:30 am

Event Location:
Zoom talk:

Speaker Information

Event Speaker:
Dr. Andy Chan

Event Speaker Title:

Event Speaker Company:
Medicine at Harvard Medical School and Program Director for Gastroenterology training at Massachusetts General Hospital.

Event Speaker Bio:
BIONews +  Why young people are getting colon cancer | Dr. Andy Chan
Andrew T. Chan, MD, MPH is a Professor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School (HMS), Professor of Immunology and Infectious Disease, Chief of the Clinical and Translational Epidemiology Unit at Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) and the Director of Epidemiology at the MGH Cancer Center. As a clinical gastroenterologist, Dr. Chan specializes in familial gastrointestinal cancer syndromes and cancer prevention. Dr. Chan is a leading investigator in the epidemiology of colorectal cancer and other digestive diseases, with a focus on chemoprevention with aspirin and the interaction of diet with the gut microbiome. An elected fellow of the American Society of Clinical Investigation, he currently supported by NCI, NIDDK, NIA, StandUpToCancer and the Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation for his research. He has published over 500 papers in the field of gastrointestinal cancer and other chronic digestive diseases in leading journals, including the New England Journal of Medicine, Journal of the American Medical Association, Lancet, Science Translational Medicine, Gastroenterology and Gut.

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