We were unable to engage a speaker for March 8th, so we will have an evening event similar to our weekly morning event. BIONews, COVID & life science updates from the week, a little networking, and finally, the attendees will pick one of three videos that they feel is the most engaging.
Grab your dinner and/or your favorite beverage, sit back and log on.
See you Tuesday evening, electronic doors open at 6:15 PM PST!!
Thanks for your support!!
Event Information
Event Topic:
BIONews, weekly updates, networking and the crowd will pick a video from Column A, B or C
Event Description:
Date(s) - 03/08/22
6:15 pm - 8:30 pm
Event Location:
Zoom talk:
Speaker Information
Event Speaker:
Harry Wachob
Event Speaker Title:
Founder & CEO
Event Speaker Company:
Bio2Device Group
Event Speaker Bio:
Event Details
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