Bacteriophages in Human Health and Disease
(originally presented on Feb 16 at Café Scientifique: Silicon Valley)
Paul Bollyky, MD, PhD
Bacteriophages, viruses that infect bacteria, are a frontier in human health. Phages are some of the best studied organisms on earth with critical roles in biotechnology. They are also highly abundant in our bodies, outnumbering both our own cells and the bacteria that produce them. However, we are just beginning to understand the roles that phages play in our own biology. Here, we will explore the fascinating biology of bacteriophages and their interactions with both their human and bacterial hosts. We will highlight recent data from our lab and others implicating bacteriophages in human disease. We will also discuss efforts to use bacteriophages to promote human health.
About the Speaker
Paul Bollyky is an Associate Professor and infectious disease physician at Stanford University. He received his D.Phil at the University of Oxford, and his MD at Harvard Medical School. He then completed his residency training at Brigham and Women’s Hospital followed by his fellowship training in Infectious Diseases and Immunology at the University of Washington in Seattle. His lab studies trans-kingdom interactions between bacteriophages, bacteria, and their human hosts, and is interested in understanding how these interactions contribute to health and disease and in using bacteriophages to treat chronic infections.
Event Information
Event Topic:
BIONews followed by “Bacteriophages in Human Health and Disease”
Event Description:
Date(s) - 03/14/23
6:15 pm - 8:30 pm
Event Location:
Zoom talk:
Speaker Information
Event Speaker:
Harry Wachob
Event Speaker Title:
Founder & President
Event Speaker Company:
Bio2Device Group
Event Speaker Bio:
Harry Wachob is the Founder and President of the Bio2Device Group. He is an experienced engineering leader in materials science, biomedical device engineering and R&D. He has directed and mentored multidisciplinary teams in solving complex technical issues in order to improve the safety, reliability, and performance of medical devices. Most recently, he was the Managing Materials Scientist at Xoft. Previously he was Director of Engineering for Aerogen, a biopharmaceutical company specializing in novel aerosol drug delivery. Prior to that, Harry was Managing Engineer at Exponent/Failure Analysis Associates where he guided research and development, and product failure investigations covering a broad range of medical and industrial applications. He received his engineering degrees in Materials Science & Engineering from Cornell University.
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