Big Data Through a Local Lens: Best Practices for Population Health- webinar

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We’ve all heard the saying “health care is local.” Most discussions around health plan performance only address results as they relate to national benchmarks. In this webinar, Nova Healthcare Administrators’ president will discuss the value of comparative population health data at a “local” level. If the plan’s population doesn’t align with national demographics, national trend data doesn’t provide value as a point of comparison.
Topics include:
  • How payers can make the most of population data and local resources to best serve consumers
  • What kind of information is available – and not – at the city and county level, and what information is (or would be) most valuable
  • How to work with local governments, providers, and other relevant organizations to improve population health
  • The unique insight regional partners bring to the table
  • The value of providing tailored-support to meet the needs of various communities
Featured Speaker
Laura Hirsch
Nova Healthcare Administrators
Hirsch has more than three decades of experience and leadership in health care with a diverse background in technology, operations and sales. As Nova’s president, she develops and directs business strategy, operational performance and service delivery.  Under Hirsch’s leadership, Nova has evolved from a traditional TPA to an award-winning, innovative health care solutions company.

Event Information

Event Topic:
Big Data Through a Local Lens: Best Practices for Population Health- webinar

Event Description:

Date(s) - 04/09/19
11:00 am - 12:00 pm

Event Location:
Other: Webinar

Event Details

Event Type