AI Aspirations Healthcare Futures


Kickback after a long vacation weekend, and join the BIO2Device Group when we update the weekly BIONews and then see the video–

“AI Aspirations Healthcare Futures”

by Eric Horvitz, MD, PhD, CSO, Microsoft.



Event Information

Event Topic:
AI Aspirations Healthcare Futures

Event Description:

Date(s) - 09/05/23
8:15 am - 10:30 am

Event Location:
Zoom talk:

Speaker Information

Event Speaker:
Eric Horvitz, MD, PhD

Event Speaker Title:

Event Speaker Company:

Event Speaker Bio:
AI Aspirations Healthcare Futures
Dr. Horvitz is a member of Advisory Board- President's Council of Advisors on Science and Technology. Providing leadership, guidance, and perspectives on advances and trends on scientific matters and opportunities & issues at the intersection of technology, people, and society. Passionate about harnessing computing advances to enhance the quality of peoples' lives. Continuing to pursue principles of computational intelligence, to develop robust and human-aligned AI systems, and to leverage complementarities of human and AI systems. Pursuing responsible uses of advances in technology, aimed at empowering people and bettering society.

Event Details


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