Agile Design Controls Part 2 Webinar: Dynamic Risk Management for SW-Intensive Medical Devices


Agile Design Controls Part 2 Webinar: Dynamic Risk Management for SW-Intensive Medical Devices

This webinar describes a dynamic approach to managing risk analysis and risk controls to keep up with fast moving product development teams.  Learn the nuts and bolts of how to integrate risk management into the overall product development workflow using a requirements management SW tool to create a more flexible and rigorous approach than standalone spreadsheet methods.

A panel of software and process experts, with decades of experience across dozens of medical device companies, will describe the practical realities of complying with the IEC 62304 and ISO 14971 standards while supporting rapid design iterations.  The webinar will illustrate this modern, flexible approach with examples using the Matrix ALM and Jira software tools.

Must pre-register at

About the Speakers:

Event Information

Event Topic:
Agile Design Controls Part 2 Webinar: Dynamic Risk Management for SW-Intensive Medical Devices

Event Description:

Date(s) - 03/26/19
9:30 am

Event Location:
Other: Webinar

Event Details

Event Type
Pre-register at

Bio2Device Group

Bio2Device Group