ADHD and Virtual Reality


Event Information

Event Topic:
ADHD and Virtual Reality

Event Description:
Attention Déficit Hiperactivity Disorder affects between 5%-7% of the world population on average. Its implications are not only to people who suffers it, but also to people who live and interact with them, which results into more than a billion people indirectly affected. As a child ADHD it affects on the family circle, school and friends, and as an adult it can have big implications on the personal and professional life. Nowadays Virtual Reality has evolved enought to transition from laboratory environments to homes, enabling its potential benefits to use for therapeutical purposes at a low cost. We are going to talk about how ADHD in United States, Europe and México are perceived and its implications on a person life, from childhood to adulthood. But also we will talk about Virtual Reality and its uses as a therapeutical tool for some neurodisorders suchs as ADHD and fobias (Fear of heights as example given).

Date(s) - 02/19/19
8:30 am - 10:30 am

Event Location:
NOVA - 505 West Olive Ave, Sunnyvale- Suite 799:

Speaker Information

Event Speaker:
Josep Maria Tomas Sanahuja

Event Speaker Title:

Event Speaker Company:
Miyabi Labs

Event Speaker Bio:

Product-focused engineer from Barcelona, constantly challenging the status quo. With a background on Computer Science and former ORACLE engineer. With +10 years professional experience across Europe and Latam in Virtual Reality, Psychology, Neuroscience, Satellites and Databases.

Event Details


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