Event Information
Event Topic:
A computer guy’s attempt to make a contribution in Health Care
Event Description:
The Autonomic Nervous System is a critical part of the body since it controls all the involuntary organs in the body (the heart, lung, kidneys etc.). It is the least understood part of the body. Very few people pay any attention to it. You cannot go to a doctor and ask him/her to tell you if your ANS is in good shape. Srini Nageshwar will: 1. Give you a background to this system and outline the critical role it plays in the body 2. Talk about his team’s efforts to make a commercial success of both diagnostic and therapeutic devices based on the ANS 3. Talk about the hurdles and obstacles they had to overcome to do this while boot strapping the effort.
Date(s) - 09/13/22
6:15 pm - 8:30 pm
Event Location:
Zoom talk: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88274227563:
Speaker Information
Event Speaker:
Srini Nageshwar
Event Speaker Title:
Event Speaker Company:
Event Speaker Bio:
Srini Nageshwar, an electrical engineer by training, has been CEO of DyAnsys since its inception and has guided its development and growth through the many twists and turns that startups go through before focusing on solving the opioid crisis in the US (primarily) and the rest of the world. After an exceptional career in the computer industry at HP, he got involved in the health care post-retirement. DyAnsys is focused on the ANS (Autonomic Nervous System) both diagnostically and therapeutically. This is an area that is now attracting attention.
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