ZOE—Gut microbiome testing: What can it reveal about your health?


Weekly updated BIONews followed by a video from ZOE


Event Information

Event Topic:
ZOE—Gut microbiome testing: What can it reveal about your health?

Event Description:
Your gut microbiome, a bustling community of microorganisms, is a vital player in your overall health. It doesn’t just impact your digestive system — it has a profound influence on your brain health and well-being. However, the gut microbiome is a complex, long misunderstood realm, and figuring out how it affects daily life can leave even the most dedicated health enthusiasts scratching their heads. Here at ZOE, we’ve transformed our understanding of this bustling microbial world, where both “good” and “bad” gut bacteria reside. In today’s episode, Jonathan speaks with Prof. Nicola Segata and Prof. Tim Spector to explore how ZOE's microbiome testing and unique microbiome health scores provide personalized insights into your gut health.

Date(s) - 10/03/23
8:15 am - 10:15 am

Event Location:
Zoom talk: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88573518331:

Speaker Information

Event Speaker:
Tim Spector and Nicola Segata

Event Speaker Title:
TS -OBE FMedSci is a British epidemiologist, NS -Professor and PI at the CIBIO Department

Event Speaker Company:
TS- Kings College, NS-University of Trento

Event Speaker Bio:

Event Details


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