Innovations for the Aging 


Innovations for the Aging 

This complimentary live, special 90-minute event will be held virtually on 14 September 2023 at 1 PM ET (10 AM PT). During this special event, Joseph Wei, Technology Ventures Group, LLC, will serve as the moderator and a panel of subject matter experts will join.

This panel discussion aims to explore the theme of “Innovations for the Aging Population,” focusing on the key technologies that enable the development of such innovations and examining their impact on the aging population worldwide. The panel will bring together experts from various fields, including healthcare, technology, policy, and academia. They will shed light on the challenges faced by aging populations and the role of innovation in addressing these challenges. The discussion will delve into groundbreaking technologies such as assistive devices, telehealth, smart homes, wearable devices, and artificial intelligence, among others.

Furthermore, the panel will explore the importance of collaboration between stakeholders, including governments, NGOs, healthcare providers, and technology companies, in fostering an ecosystem conducive to innovation for the aging population. By identifying barriers, discussing regulatory frameworks, and examining funding opportunities, the discussion aims to encourage a holistic approach to address the needs and aspirations of older adults.

Ultimately, this panel discussion will provide valuable insights into the transformative potential of innovation for the aging population. Participants will gain a deeper understanding of the key technologies driving innovation, the challenges and opportunities associated with their implementation, and the importance of collaboration in creating a future where older adults can lead fulfilling and healthy lives.

Event Moderator:

Joseph Wei, Technology Ventures Group, LLC

Joseph Wei, an accomplished Silicon Valley entrepreneur is the founder of Technology Ventures Group (TVG), LLC established in 2011. With extensive experience, Joseph has spearheaded innovative products that generated billion dollars in revenue. Additionally, Joseph co-founded Lab360 Hardware Incubator that has invested and accelerated startups focusing on AI/ML, IoT, Wearables, AR/VR, Robotics for healthcare, consumer, and enterprise markets. Previously, Joseph held executive positions with Inventec Corp., SGI, NEC, and DEC responsible for Sales and Marketing, Engineering and Investments.


Ms. Keren Etkin is the author of The AgeTech Revolution – a book about the intersection of tech and aging, and founder of – a media platform that covers the global AgeTech ecosystem and offers AgeTech education through the AgeTech Academy. She is also the founder-director of AgeLabIL at Shenkar Institute for Design, Engineering and Art.



Ester Martinez-Martin is Tenured Professor at University of Alicante and Director Assistant of the University Institute for Computing Research (IUII) at the same university. She holds a B.S. in Computer Science Engineering (2004), a Master’s degree in Mobile and Video Games Programming (2017), a Master’s degree for Secondary Education, Vocational Training and Language Teaching (2011), and a Ph.D. in Computer Engineering (2011), all of them from the Jaume-I University.



Dr. Ronjon Nag is an Adjunct Professor in Genetics, Stanford School of Medicine; Visiting Fellow, Stanford Center for the Study of Language and Information; President, R42 Group Ronjon Nag has been building AI systems for 40 years and sold companies he cofounded or advised to Motorola, RIM/Blackberry and Apple. He became a Stanford Interdisciplinary Distinguished Careers Institute Fellow in 2016, and teaches Longevity Science, AI, Genes and Ethics in the Stanford School of Medicine. He received a PhD from Cambridge, an MS from MIT, the IET Mountbatten Medal, the $1 million Verizon Powerful Answers Award, and the 2021 IEEE-SCV Outstanding Engineer Award. He is a co-founder and part-owner of some 100 AI and biotech startups.


Sumit Kumar Nagpal is a serial entrepreneur with a focus on disruptive digital health innovation at scale. Over the past 25 years, he cofounded and grew five companies that tackle progressively bolder systemic challenges in healthcare experience, cost and access.





Event Information

Event Topic:
Innovations for the Aging 

Event Description:

Date(s) - 09/14/23
10:00 am - 11:30 am

Event Location:
Other: ZOOM

Speaker Information

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