Agile Design Controls: Paperless V&V to Support Rapid Design Iterations of Medical Devices


Agile Design Controls: Paperless V&V to Support Rapid Design Iterations of Medical Devices

April 30, 2019 at 9am PST
This webinar describes how to support rapid design iterations of medical devices while still maintaining systematic, rigorous V&V testing.   Traditional approaches to V&V are often slow, inefficient, and break down with repeated testing. Learn how to configure modern SW tools to manage testing of a large number of requirements with multiple retesting and with automatic generation of up-to-date trace matrices.  The webinar will illustrate this flexible paperless approach with examples using the Matrix ALM and Jira software tools, presented by a panel of software and process experts.

Must pre-register at

The session will also be available online after the event.

Event Information

Event Topic:
Agile Design Controls: Paperless V&V to Support Rapid Design Iterations of Medical Devices

Event Description:

Date(s) - 04/30/19
9:00 am - 10:00 am

Event Location:
Other: Webinar- requires registration

Event Details

Event Type