LifeLeaf: World’s First Completely Non-invasive Continuous Glucose Monitor


Diabetes is a rapidly growing epidemic across the world. In the US alone, more than 30 million people have been living with diabetes and the disease currently stands as the 7th leading cause of death. A recent study highlighted that the mortality rate for any cause of death among men and women in all age groups is much higher for those having diabetes than not. The existing solutions for daily monitoring of blood glucose level are invasive and inefficient, involve significant user effort and leads to a world-wide low therapy compliance for diabetes. Inadequate treatment often leads to sudden exacerbation of the disease, emergency room visits and hospitalization that translates to significant costs being passed along to the individual and insurance provider.
LifeLeaf, a completely non-invasive continuous glucose monitoring wearable solution is under development by LifePlus, Inc. and aims to address this problem. The LifeLeaf technology uses an optical signal, called photoplethysmograph (or, PPG), to measure the glucose concentration in blood at any given instant of time. The solution offers a fully automated way of tracking someone’s glucose level with clinical grade accuracy; zero effort needed from the individual. In this talk, we will present a high-level view of the LifeLeaf solution highlighting its functionality and key benefits.

Event Information

Event Topic:
LifeLeaf: World’s First Completely Non-invasive Continuous Glucose Monitor

Event Description:
Diabetes is a rapidly growing epidemic across the world. In the US alone, more than 30 million people have been living with diabetes and the disease currently stands as the 7th leading cause of death. A recent study highlighted that the mortality rate for any cause of death among men and women in all age groups is much higher for those having diabetes than not. The existing solutions for daily monitoring of blood glucose level are invasive and inefficient, involve significant user effort and leads to a world-wide low therapy compliance for diabetes. Inadequate treatment often leads to sudden exacerbation of the disease, emergency room visits and hospitalization that translates to significant costs being passed along to the individual and insurance provider. LifeLeaf, a completely non-invasive continuous glucose monitoring wearable solution is under development by LifePlus, Inc. and aims to address this problem. The LifeLeaf technology uses an optical signal, called photoplethysmograph (or, PPG), to measure the glucose concentration in blood at any given instant of time. The solution offers a fully automated way of tracking someone’s glucose level with clinical grade accuracy; zero effort needed from the individual. In this talk, we will present a high-level view of the LifeLeaf solution highlighting its functionality and key benefits.

Date(s) - 03/05/19
8:30 am - 10:00 am

Event Location:
NOVA - 505 West Olive Ave, Sunnyvale- Suite 799:

Speaker Information

Event Speaker:
Alodeep Sanyal, PhD

Event Speaker Title:
Co-Founder and CEO

Event Speaker Company:
Lifeplus, Inc.

Event Speaker Bio:

Alodeep Sanyal is an Indian American computer scientist and currently serves as the co-founder and CEO of LifePlus, Inc., a company leading the path to the world’s first ever non-invasive continuous glucose monitoring wearable solution. Alodeep is a semiconductor industry veteran and played leading roles in developing next generation server products for Intel Corporation before switching to his current stint at LifePlus. He is considered a thought leader in the domain of deep-health wearable products and speaks extensively at leading wearable technology conferences and events. Alodeep is a senior member of IEEE and received a master of science in computer science from Colorado State University, Fort Collins and doctor of philosophy in computer engineering from University of Massachusetts, Amherst. He served as a post-doctoral associate at the Electrical and Computer Engineering department of Duke University before switching to industry.

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