Happy New Year! Celebrate 2019 and Register for our January 8th Evening Meeting


Event Information

Event Topic:
Happy New Year! Celebrate 2019 and Register for our January 8th Evening Meeting

Event Description:
We are off to celebrate the passing of 2018 and ringing in 2019 with Family and Friends. We wish everyone the best as you recover and rest from 2018 and get ready for 2019. We will not have morning meeting on January 1, 2019. Please join us on January 8 (Don't forget to pre-register at our PayPal link on the B2DG website) when Steve Miller will be presenting "Dialysis. Anywhere, Anytime, Anyone." From all of us at the Bio2Device Group, we wish you Happy New Year!!

Date(s) - 01/01/19
All Day

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