Cal Huntzinger
Event Information
Event Topic:
Biology Guiding Radiotherapy – Turning Cancer on Itself. Finally.
Event Description:
RefleXion Medical, a biotargeting oncology company, was founded to answer a simple question: if a cancer cell emits a signal, can we shoot right back to destroy it? Cal Huntzinger will provide insights in the development and clinical applications of RefleXion’s biology-guided radiotherapy (BgRT), the first to utilize the cancer itself to guide radiation delivery, even in tumors that are moving. The machine uses positron emission tomography (PET), the gold standard in cancer staging and imaging, in a novel way. Traditionally, PET is used to form a complete image that can take up to an hour, during which time the tumor can change location. However, emissions from the PET tracer are instantly available and reveal the cancer’s location. The RefleXion machine senses these emissions and rapidly responds by sending a beamlet of therapeutic x-rays down the emissions’ pathways toward the originating tumor. By treating tumors that uptake the PET tracer, BgRT makes it feasible to track and treat multiple tumors throughout the body in the same session, a game-changing advance over existing radiotherapy platforms.
Date(s) - 11/27/18
8:30 am - 10:30 am
Event Location:
NOVA - 505 West Olive Ave, Sunnyvale- Suite 799:
Speaker Information
Event Speaker:
Cal Huntzinger
Event Speaker Title:
Senior Director – Clinical Development
Event Speaker Company:
RefleXion Medical
Event Speaker Bio:
Cal Huntzinger joined RefleXion two-and-a-half years ago and was initially responsible for leading RefleXion’s product definition and market-entry efforts. Currently he is managing the translational and clinical research pipeline at premier academic cancer centers across the United States. Cal has over 30 years of experience in MedTech, from hands-on engineering to executive management roles including extensive experience in cutting-edge technologies and strategic marketing.
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